On 14 Apr 2005, at 1:17 pm, Dave Korn wrote:
From: Ashley Ward
Sent: 14 April 2005 13:11

Perhaps I'm not being clear enough.  I'm suggesting changing example
3.10 in the manual from
   mount \\pollux\home\joe\data /data
   mount '\\pollux\home\joe\data' /data

Pay closer attention to the prompt in that example!

OK -- to save others looking it up, the example currently reads as follows:

c:\cygwin\> ls /data
ls: /data: No such file or directory
c:\cygwin\> mount \\pollux\home\joe\data /data
mount: warning - /data does not exist!
c:\cygwin\> mount
\\pollux\home\joe\data on /data type sytem (binmode)
c:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)
c:\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
c:\cygwin on / type system (binmode)
c: on /c type user (binmode,noumount)
d: on /d type user (binmode,noumount)

Note that mount was invoked from the Windows command shell in the previous example. In many Unix shells, including bash, it is legal and convenient to use the forward "/" in Win32 pathnames since the "\" is the shell's escape character.

Why use the Windows command shell for that example? Cygwin installs bash, a short cut to it etc. I install cygwin because I don't want to use the Windows command shell. However, I can see that if the registry mount information is broken, it might not be possible to start bash and run 'mount' there. Otherwise, I'd prefer to use bash.

Also, if that example is to use the Windows command shell, the Windows PATH variable must contain the directory with the mount command, which it doesn't seem to for me by default. The example doesn't therefore work as it stands.

I'd suggest changing the manual to read as below.

  c:\> c:\cygwin\bin\ls /data
  ls: /data: No such file or directory
  c:\> c:\cygwin\bin\mount \\pollux\home\joe\data /data
  mount: warning - /data does not exist!
  c:\> c:\cygwin\bin\mount
  \\pollux\home\joe\data on /data type sytem (binmode)
  c:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)
  c:\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
  c:\cygwin on / type system (binmode)
  c: on /c type user (binmode,noumount)
  d: on /d type user (binmode,noumount)

Note that 'mount' was invoked from the Windows command shell in the above example.
It might be necessary to use the Windows command shell if bash is not functional
due to incorrect mount points.

In many Unix shells, including bash, "\" is the shell's escape character. Windows
path and share names therefore cannot be typed as above: the "\" character must be
enclosed in quotes, or the alternative "/" can be used. For example:

  $ mount '\\pollux\home\joe\data' /data


  $ mount //pollux/home/joe/data /data

Best wishes,


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