On Apr 28 14:40, Pach Roman (GS-EC/ESA4) * wrote:
> Hello,
> the following commands run properly on the c:/drive
> c> touch yahoo
> c> ls -l yahoo
>    -rw-rw-rw-  1 ropach mkpasswd 0 Apr 28 13:54 yahoo
> c> chmod -w yahoo
> c> ls -l yahoo
>    -r--r--r--  1 ropach mkpasswd 0 Apr 28 13:54 yahoo
> but if I try it on the u:/ drive connected over net the following error comes
> u> ls -l yahoo
>    -rw-r--r--  1 ropach mkpasswd 0 Apr 28 13:50 yahoo
> u> chmod -w yahoo
>    chmod: changing permissions of `yahoo': Permission denied
> There were no problems up to the version cygwin-1.5.13-1.
> The error on my machine is new for the following two versions
>   cygwin-1.5.15-1
>   cygwin-1.5.16-1

Did you verify that the permissions of the share is set to allow write
access?  If the machine which exports the share you're connecting to is
a XP or 2K3 machine, then the default shareing permissions are set to
read only.


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