On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 10:26:26AM -0400, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Jun 2005, Thomas Baker wrote:
> > Just wanted to report that I was seeing error messages such as the
> > following in Korn shell scripts:
> >
> >      /home/tbaker/u/bin/urlists[50]: internal error: alloc: freeing
> >      memory outside of block (corrupted?)
> >
> > By running the scripts in debug mode (set -x), I found that
> > the problem seemed to occur when declared functions (i.e.,
> > declared within the script) were invoked multiple times.
> > The functions would work at first, then stop working --
> > as if the functions somehow ate up the available memory.
> >
> > Since rolling back from 5.2.14-3 to 5.2.14-2, the problem
> > seems to have gone away.
> >
> > I am not a programmer and do not have time to test this
> > systematically but thought others on this list might want
> > to hear about this.
> Thanks for the report.  However:
> I have no hope of reproducing this, do I?

If it happens again, I'll log my actions more carefully.

> AFAICS, the few changes from 5.2.14-2 to 5.2.14-3 that could have possibly
> caused this are the fixes in the autoconf files.  I doubt the "struct
> option" magic would matter, but it's possible, I guess, though by
> eyeballing the code the two versions do look functionally equivalent.
> It would help to have a script that demonstrates the problem.  I can't do
> anything otherwise, sorry...

By going back to previous versions I did try to reproduce the
problem, but anyway it's working now..  -- even with 5.2.14-3!


Dr. Thomas Baker                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SUB - Goettingen State                            +49-551-39-3883
and University Library                           +49-30-8109-9027
Papendiek 14, 37073 G?ttingen

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