
Using even more of your precious time I re-run the Mozilla suite compilation. This is the final part of the output:

make[4]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/d/mozilla_source/mozilla/netwerk/resources' +++ making chrome /cygdrive/d/mozilla_source/mozilla/netwerk/resources => ../../dist/bin/chrome/comm.jar
+++ updating chrome ../../dist/bin/chrome/installed-chrome.txt
+++ overriding content/necko/contents.rdf
  adding: content/necko/contents.rdf (stored 0%)
Signal 11
make[4]: *** [libs] Error 139
make[4]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/d/mozilla_source/mozilla/netwerk/resources'

Signal 11 is, of course, segmentation fault.

BTW, make error 139 indicates that something that was run by 'make' did
die with 'segmentation fault' (signal 11; error values above 128 mean
that program exited because of a signal, and subtracting 128 from the
given error number will give the signal number). [I learned this researching the
problem and put it here as a note for myself]

I clobbered the Mozilla tree before the build and therefore it is easy to notice that this is the first time that a .jar file is build (there are no other jar files with a recent date). It seems the Cygwin Perl script dies while using Cygwin zip, probably when (after?) closing the jar file as it exists, has the only file it was supposed to pack (contents.rdf) inside, and can be tests as a good zip file.

I used "make all" in the same directory after downgrading to 1.5.17. The result was:

make[1]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/d/mozilla_source/mozilla/netwerk/resources' +++ making chrome /cygdrive/d/mozilla_source/mozilla/netwerk/resources => ../../dist/bin/chrome/comm.jar
+++ updating chrome ../../dist/bin/chrome/installed-chrome.txt
+++ overriding content/necko/contents.rdf
updating: content/necko/contents.rdf (stored 0%)
make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/d/mozilla_source/mozilla/netwerk/resources'

(that is: identical except for the segmentation fault).

I hope that helps.


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