On Mon, Jul 04, 2005 at 07:39:39PM -0400, Volker Quetschke wrote:
>>>It is a standalone testcase, unfortunately it depends on the absolute path
>>>it resides in. To reproduce unpack perlfreeze.zip to d: and then
>>>$ cd /cygdrive/d/perlfreeze
>>>$ ./perltest.pl
>>>and see it hang. (In rxvt/bash)
>>I've downloaded this and it does just sit there but I don't know how long 
>>supposed to wait.  Is it supposed to print a lot of stuff right away?
>Yes, it's supposed to produce a cab file while reporting what it is doing.
>I realized that if you press CTRL-c it really starts to build the cab file,
>but it doesn't produce any screen output.
>You can uncomment the
>  $extracmd='sleep 1 && ';
>line in the script and see what should happen.

Last night's snapshot should fix this problem.



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