
On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Gansta93 wrote:

>  For mount command, this command is not in my logic... I've tried and
> tried again, alwais displaied the help... and unable to have it
> correctly... argh... and about rename the file, when I type
> pbcompiler
> or
> pbcompiler.exe
> I read
> command not found
> and when I type
> ./pbcompiler.exe I can read
> ./pbcompiler: cannot execute binary file.
> Now, the permissions for this file after rename it are
> - - -rwxr-xr-x
> if I understand, I can't read it... ?
> Sory for thes question, which maybe are stupids.

What is the output of the following command ?

file pbcompiler.exe

You have to install the `file' package if it is not already installed
on your system.

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