[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Henry S. Thompson) writes:

> This can be done easily with XEmacs.  You can get an only slightly
> stale version (21.4.13) straight out of the box from XEmacs.org [1]
> (pick 'native windows').
> Or you can compile your own 21.4.17 from source, but this is _not_ a
> 'straight-out-of-the-box' exercise.  If you try this and have trouble,
> I'll try to dig out my config.status and other notes from the last
> time I made it all work.  I _think_ the rebase problems (google
> cygwin+xemacs+rebase) have disappeared, but I may be wrong.

Very kind of you to offer.  However I'm a confirmed fsf emacs user.
Tried Xemacs several times but always returned to fsf emacs.

Its been my tool of choice for  4-6 yrs now.

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