On Oct 22 21:50, Todd Rearick wrote:
> Brian Dessent <brian <at> dessent.net> writes:
> > What I was trying to emphasize is that passing "COM4" to open() in a
> > Cygwin program sets you up for a world of hurt...
> > 
> > Brian
> It's even worse than you think.  In this case...COM4 is not even a real serial
> port...but a "virtual" serial port constructed by a USB driver.  Fortunately 
> for
> me...because it's not a real port...I don't actually need to configure it at
> all....
> I'm actually quite impressed that I can even open COM ports and write to them
> and it all seems to work OK via cygwin.  Thanks for the warning and the help.

You should nevertheless use /dev/com4 or /dev/ttyS3.  I might be wrong
but it still looks like you don't quite see what Brian was up to.


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