> >
> Thanks for response but:
> 1) Rebooting did not resolve the problem
> 2) Cygwin1.dll is from July 2005 so I guess it is new. As a matter of 
> fact I removed all cygwin files from
> Cygwin directory and installed latest version of Cygwin to other 
> partition on my disk. Situation did not changed.

The error you mentioned only occurs when there is version
mismatch, so either the upgrade hasn't completed, or you have
a second version of cygwin installed on your path.

You did not follow directions.  Until you do so, we cannot help:

> >services stopped.  Although you did not follow these reporting directions:
> >
> >>Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html

Following the directions would let us know for sure why you
are getting version mismatch.

Eric Blake

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