On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 02:34:15AM +0000, Michael Tang wrote:
>I ran into a problem with the latest cygwin1.dll (1.5.19-cr-0x5ef):
> 1. the main thread creates a udp socket and set up a sigal handler for 
> 2. the main thread creates a new thread T
> 3. the main thread calls "recvfrom" on the udp socket" and block there
> 4. thread T waits 2 second and sends a signal SIGALRM to the main thread
> 5. the main thread fails on "recvfrom" and goes to step 2 again.
>The problem is, at the second time, after the new thread T sends the 
>SIGALRM, the signal does not trigger the signal handler any more. the 
>program hangs.
>The program works (never hangs) with an older version of cygwin1.dll 

When reporting problems, please use actual version numbers from cygwin
releases.  Or do you think it's a good idea to use something with a
"dontuse" tag?  If you are finding cvs tags, I guarantee you that you
don't know what they are or what they relate to.

You're right that this is a bug in 1.5.19-4.  I'll fix it in the next

There are actually two bugs here.  Apparently recvfrom isn't honoring
the SA_RESTART flag.  I can't guarantee that will be fixed in the next
snapshot, though.

Thanks for the test case.


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