William A. Hoffman wrote:
At 10:40 PM 8/14/2006, Igor Peshansky wrote:
- The other option is to use mingw-make, and only use cygwin make
for cygwin linked programs only.
Incorrect.  If you use Cygwin make, it's very easy to invoke Windows
programs by converting their arguments with "cygpath -w" (or, barring
that, with a perl or sed script).  I've done that, others have done that.
If you are generating the code to invoke the Microsoft cl compiler, simply
use something like $(foreach f,$^,$(shell cygpath -w $f)) as the argument
to cl.

I have to say yuck!, and performance hit.  So, for every path that gets
passed to the compiler you have to launch a process that does string allocation
and conversion.   I do not think this is a realistic solution for larger
projects.  I would not want CMake to generate makefiles with cygpath -w
being invoked multiple times per compiler run.   So, I will restate that
there is no workable solution to use cl with cygwin make anymore.

As one of those "others", I have to point out that it WJFFM. As for "larger projects", I just had to make a source tarball, so I have a nice statistic: *gzip'd*, it's about 2.6 MB. I'd say that qualifies as "large". I guess that makes me not "realistic"?

Is it slower? Yeah, but that's part of doing business. Some time I may decide to optimize it by converting some of my wrapper scripts to C code. I think the hit is from the "launch a process" step, not "string allocation and conversion".

Also, you could translate paths to e.g. '$DRIVEC/some/where.c', and use $(subst) to alternately replace '$DRIVEC' (which should be a unique identifier, like '__this_is_drive_c', NOT '/cygdrive/c') with a POSIX or DOS equivalent as appropriate.

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