On 16-Aug-2006, William A. Hoffman wrote:

| Without your support, I don't think the patch would get far.
| I am thinking the patch would be something like:
| #ifdef CYGWIN
| #define HAVE_DOS_PATHS 
| #endif

Have you tried this (uh, what file are you patching anyway)?  Does it
work?  Does it cause problems for valid Makefiles that assume POSIX

Suggesting changes to GNU Make on this list is not going to cause
things to happen.  If you want to see changes, then I think the place
to start is to

  * get a copy of the current GNU Make sources

  * apply your above "patch"

  * build and test it

  * if it works, submit the patch to the GNU Make maintainers in the
    appropriate forum (not here) explaining why the patch is needed
    and whether there are any potential hazards to watch out for if
    the change is made


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