Igor Peshansky wrote:
Alternatively, you can try to implement a $(cygpath ...) function in make
and submit *that* to the upstream maintainers.  That way, the Cygwin make
will not have to invoke a separate process to convert the paths that it
(as a program linked to cygwin1.dll) already knows how to do.

I'd like to point out that such a patch would be all of about five lines of "code"... (And for the record, I've written both new make functions AND my own version of cygpath, so I know what I'm talking about.)

Except note you would almost certainly want $(cygpathu) and $(cygpathw).

Because no one seems to have gotten the point yet, http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#SHTDI ...and that somebody is not likely to be one of the people not having problems, so if all these other posters would kindly put their patches where their mouths are, then maybe something would be accomplished.

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