On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 10:17:19AM -0600, Brian Ford wrote:
> Ok, after further investigation, this is a /3GB boot.ini flag interaction.
> Unfortunately, this is a critical flag for our application, so all our
> machines are configured this way.  That is why I failed to realize its
> significance before.

I should also note that my system is a 4GB W2003 box w/ PAE enabled (no /3GB
switch though). 4GB is available to the OS as well (give or take a small bit).

> I understand if this is now too much of an obscure case for you to be
> interested in.  If so, I'll try to look into it soon on my own.  I suspect
> it must have been related to your MEM_TOP_DOWN change.

Yep. Never had a problem before it.


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