I have just tried this on another machine with Cygwin - no leaks. OK, so it
is not Cygwin - my bad, but I'm glad. 

Just to test, I have made a script for WIndows' cmd.exe:

@echo off
set c=1
cmd /c echo > nul
echo %c%
set /a c=%c%+1
if %c%==123456 goto end
goto loop

Leaks... Not so fast as bash, but that is because executing "cmd /c" takes
much longer. It leaks approximately the same considering the numbers
represented by %c%.

So, forking in Windows itself (not Cygwin) it apparently is the whole
problem - in fact, as you mentioned - it's probably some other process (AV,
whatever) messing up with Windows' normal CreateProcessA, as bash politely
explained - and I assume the above script will also - didn't finish yet :(.

Sorry for bugging you for something that apparently is not Cygwin-related -
should have tested more.
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