On 03 October 2007 13:38, wimxa wrote:

> Guys,
> Thank you for the trouble of testing this. Unfortunately, I cannot confirm
> whether this is a problem with any AV - I am not an admin on the machine in
> question, cannot shut AV down.

  Is it one of the ones listed on TBLODA at
http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-talk/2007-q3/msg00174.html ?

> About the kernel memory figures - they are increasing - much slower and in a
> very unpredictable see-saw way, but they are. In fact, I ran it the second
> time after a while (without restarting the computer) and it slowly released
> a great deal of the kernel memory it had "allocated" - quite strange
> behavior - one time it increases, the next time it decreases - couldn't find
> any pattern.

  This is very strong evidence that a faulty device driver is responsible.

> At number 43500 (this must be hard-coded in Cygwin somewhere :)) the
> "COUNTER test" (the last one Lewis also tried) died with:
>   11831 [main] bash 3820 fork: child -1 - CreateProcessA failed, errno 11
> bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
> Restarts would allow only at most a few more runs with the same error
> following, e.g.:
> 136705676 [main] bash 3820 fork: child -1 - CreateProcessA failed, errno 11
> bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable

  This is one of the very typical symptoms of BLODA interference.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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