> From: Adam Thompson
> Subject: Re: how can I stop Windows setting HOME?
> 2008/6/6 anadem <>:
> >
> > Each time I boot my pc Windows sets the HOME environment 
> variable to 
> > my "Documents and Settings" directory, which screws up 
> cygwin. Before 
> > I can use cygwin I have to do the My 
> Computer/Properties/Advanced ... 
> > etc stuff and delete HOME from my User variables. Otherwise cygwin 
> > sets my $HOME to Window's idea of HOME, which is a pain in the neck.
> >
> > Is there any way to permanently unset the HOME env-var in 
> Windows? I 
> > could run a batch file at startup but afaik that would not be a 
> > systemwide removal of HOME.
> >
> I don't think XP sets a var called HOME by default.  It sets 
> HOMEPATH and HOMEDRIVE - and in some cases HOMESHARE.
> I do not think this is a Windows issue.
> --
> AdamT

You're right, it's not a Windows issue per se.  I've seen the same issue as
the OP at two large companies, and I suspect he's seeing the same thing.
What's happening is that for reasons known only to the IT department, the XP
login "scripts" (COUGHbatchfilesdontdeservethemonikerCOUGH) that IT has
deployed set it.  If that's the case, then your only recourse is to get IT
to change it, and of course good luck with that.

That said, it probably isn't as real an issue as the OP may think.  If it
points to somewhere halfway sane (which it looks like it does for the OP,
i.e. XP's idea of a user's home directory), it shouldn't "screw up cygwin".
OP: What exactly is getting "screwed up"?

Gary R. Van Sickle

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