
I have noticed a behaviour with Subversion 1.5.1 (and the previous one, I
think it was 1.4.6?) on a specific project.

I get the following output:

$ svn up
svn: Kann Zeichenkette nicht von der eigenen Codierung nach
?\194?\187UTF-8?\194?\171 konvertieren:
svn: RE  Papers f?\252r XXX.msg

$ LANG=C svn up
svn: Can't convert string from native encoding to 'UTF-8':
svn: RE  Papers f?\252r XXX.msg

(The ?\252 is a German-umlaut 'u' - 'ü')

The worst thing of this: Subversion completely aborts after this
(ignoring this one file would be a much better option for me...)

This does not happen if I use a non-cygwin (command-line) Subversion, or
if I use TortoiseSVN. That's the reason why I write this mail here, and
not on a Subversion list.

So, as far as I understand, the problem is that my system cannot convert
the 'ü' to UTF8. But why can't it?

BTW: I am not completely sure that this is a SVN problem per se. If I do
a ls -l, I get the following output:

$ ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 tri Kein 34304 Aug 12 15:02 RE  Papers f?r ZESAN.msg

Note, again, that the Umlaut-u is replaced with a question mark '?'. So,
this might also be some other problem with my Cygwin install.

But: Which setting do I have to change? I tried setting the environment
variable $LANG to different values, but it seems not to have any effect.
Also, I tried codepage:ansi and codepage:oem in $CYGWIN (before starting
bash), but it seems to have no effect, too.

So, I am stuck with a problem, and I am not completely sure where to
proceed. Thus, any help is highly appreciated.


Spiro R. Trikaliotis                              http://opencbm.sf.net/
http://www.trikaliotis.net/                     http://www.viceteam.org/

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