On 8/18/2008 12:14 PM, Yaakov (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
> David Rothenberger wrote:
>> I've tried building the latest apr and apr-util libraries.
>> Unfortunately, this doesn't allow subversion CLI to do UTF-8
>> conversions. So I think this is a limitation of Cygwin. I'd be happy if
>> someone more knowledgeable would correct me, though.
> Did you try building these with Cygwin 1.7?

No, not yet. I haven't found the time yet to install 1.7 and try
building my packages. Life and work have conspired against me so far.

Do you expect it to work in 1.7?

I need to investigate further. It may be that apr's idea of the native
encoding is broken.

David Rothenberger  ----  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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                -- Ambrose Bierce

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