(1) Just to be sure, I went back and installed al of the cygwin packages available through the setup.exe file. It's still installing, and it looks like it will be for some time, but I already went through the list that I was able to find and made sure I had them all.

(2) I did run a './configure' before doing a make in the folder. I didn't see any errors, but I can't pretend that I know everything that it's doing during the configuration.

(3) Will send out all the output from the make when cygwin is done updating and I can try again.

(4) Sorry, you lost me on this one. I've heard of the grep command but never really used it, and there is a file that is just called configure (no extension) - is that what you are looking for?

(5) The Moast mailing list was the first place that I looked, but it seems that it hasn't been used since May 2007. I will try anyway, but I was thinking this was something with cygwin, which would make this the list most knowledgeable on how to fix it.

As for the question of programming skills, it's certainly a valid one. I can program competently in a few languages, but only within realms where I have needed to do so before. Basically, I know the things that I've needed to know and not the things I haven't. I've used SVN before so I understand what a diff file is and how it is used. However, it was all automated for me before, so I don't know how to apply one. Fortunately, programming logic, simple AIs, and behaviors all do fall under the realms of programming I am familiar with, so though I often ask for more install support than others, once I can get rolling I'm fine. I would also like to point out that things which may seem obvious and self-explanatory to an EE PhD student may not seem so clear to a humble Master's student with a stronger background in ME trying to grasp the system-level understanding of the interaction between mechanical, electrical, and software systems.

Thanks for the help, and I will provide more information as soon as I have it.

Andrew Bouchard

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