This may have a simple answer but I can not find it. I have been using
xterm in cygwin for some time. Recently I updated and it gave me a new
different xterm. I have grown to like it, but there is one problem that
was not there in the old version. Cut and paste works fine fine within
the xterm using highlight for cut and the middle mouse button for paste.
However it does not work in and out of xterm. If I use ^C to cut a
section in a web page, I can not paste it into the xterm. Similarly I
can not copy say a URL from the xterm into Firefox. What am I missing?

Happy New Year to all, Brian.
       Brian Salter-Duke          Melbourne, Australia
     My real address is b_duke(AT)bigpond(DOT)net(DOT)au
Use this for reply or followup.  Registered Linux user 287938.
      Cygwin for Linux on PCs. <>

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