On Fri, 02 Jan 2009 06:56:23 +0000, Fergus <fer...@bonhard.uklinux.net> wrote:
> Include -clipboard as an option for XWin.
> e.g.
>    run XWin -clipboard -nolisten local -multiwindow 2>nul &
> and then selected text in xterm is automatically copied to the clipboard 
> for onward pasting.
> Fergus

Thanks for that. I find X very confusing and mainly just want a simple
xterm to run mutt, slrn and unix like-codes. I think I may have a messed
up system with not having a clean upgrade to the latest X. I was using
startx and I can not see where XWin is called there. Maybe I'm blind. I
am now using startswin.bat and I've played with startxwin.sh. That
clearly calls XWin and I have the -blipboard argument in and it works
fine.  However the -multiwindow causes an error and it just gives an
xterm, but that is fine for now. I'll look into that later.

Cheers, Brian.
       Brian Salter-Duke          Melbourne, Australia
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