On Mar 18 17:21, Andy Koppe wrote:
> David Rothenberger:
> > chere is generated a command line using the -e switch prior to the command
> > to execute. MinTTY doesn't accept that switch.
> Yep. Here's what it does accept:
> Usage: mintty [OPTION]... [ - | COMMAND [ARG]... ]
> If no command is given, the user's default shell is invoked as a non-login
> shell. If the command is a single minus sign, the default shell is invoked
> as a login shell. Otherwise the command is invoked with the given arguments.
> Options:
>   -c, --config=FILE     Use specified config file (default: ~/.minttyrc)
>   -p, --pos=X,Y         Open window at specified position
>   -s, --size=COLS,ROWS  Set screen size in characters
>   -t, --title=TITLE     Set window title (default: the invoked command)
>   -v, --version         Print version information and exit
>   -h, --help            Display this help message and exit

Accepting `-e command' additionally would make the usage comaptible to
xterm/rxvt and mintty could be used easier as drop-in replacement...


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