On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 5:46 PM, Andy Koppe  wrote:
> I'll leave it at just -e, like Konsole and gnome-terminal. Like those,
> MinTTY is meant to be configured primarily through its GUI.
> Alternatively, its config file can be edited manually.

The point is that not all of those xterm command line arguments are
configuration.  Some are behavior. There's no hard and fast line
between those categories, but in general, configuration is relatively
static, while behavior is dynamic - as in, very likely to be different
every time you open a new window.

Admittedly, "run this command" (-e) and "use this title" (-title/-T)
are the only two examples that spring to mind.   I just think it's
important to think of it categorically rather than "just -e".
Mark J. Reed <markjr...@gmail.com>

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