On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 10:49:10AM -0700, Jerry DeLisle wrote:
>Moving to this thread:
>Vincent R. wrote:
>>>I backed down on bash version which required install of libreadline6.
>>>bash still fails.  This is on NT4.
>>>Maybe I need a different combination of binutils, libreadline, and
>>>will play with this for a bit.
>>I have installed new binutils and previous bash version and now it
>>works for me.
>>I am not having the same results so I am going to delete all and start
>Fresh install still broken with backing down one rev on bash and using

FWIW, I had the same problem on Windows 7 and, having read the mailing
list, I knew that there was a problem so I dropped back to bash
3.2.49-22 by clicking on the "New" column on the package selection
screen.  No other action was required to make bash work again.


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