On Sun, July 5, 2009 13:49, Jerry DeLisle wrote:
> Fresh install still broken with backing down one rev on bash and using
> libreadline6.

I ran into this Friday as others have noted. The thing that caught me was
that the postinstall scripts in the installer rely on a working bash. Once
I had a broken fresh cygwin install, simply backing down one rev of bash
didn't help because the postinstall scripts of the OTHER packages that are
already installed need to be re-run since they didn't run in the first

Here's what I did (roughly) in order to get a working cygwin 1.7

- Backup any data I wanted to keep under c:/cygwin/home/username
- Removed c:/cygwin and all previously downloaded files by setup-1.7.exe
- Launched setup-1.7.exe
- Specify additional packages that I wanted to install
- Changed the version of bash down to 3.2.49-22
- Added libreadline6 package
- Now install the changes


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