On Thu, 9 Jul 2009, Gelati wrote:

Greetings, Gelati,

Before I spam the list with the errors I get from running Zsh, I'd like
to know if Zsh or alternative shells are officially supported by the
Cygwin distribution. That is, is Zsh (or tcsh) supposed to be as
functional as Bash under Cygwin? Or is Zsh simply included on a "you're
lucky if it works, you're on your own if it doesn't" basis? Feedback from
Zsh users appreciated.

Zsh is "supported" on Cygwin (as much as anything is "supported" on
Cygwin :-).  Zsh is ported to Cygwin and any fixes for it go back into
the base, so if something needs fixing, it generally gets fixed and
included in CVS for a later release.  That being said, there are know
"issues" with Zsh and how it runs in the Windows environment.  Some
issues have been left unresolved because of either time constraints or
reproducibility of the problem, while others may be a limitation of the
underlying OS (this *is* Windows, no matter how much paint you put on

I'm presently building 4.3.10, and that *might* have fixes in it to
address whatever you've found (or it might not :-).

In anycase, if you have issues, that you can't reproduce under another
Unix environment (say, Linux :), by all means report it.  I'll do what I
can to help get it resolved.

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Peter A. Castro <doc...@fruitbat.org> or <peter.cas...@oracle.com>
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