On Thu, 9 Jul 2009, wynfi...@gmail.com wrote:

Before I spam the list with the errors I get from running Zsh, I'd like
to know if Zsh or alternative shells are officially supported by the
Cygwin distribution. That is, is Zsh (or tcsh) supposed to be as
functional as Bash under Cygwin? Or is Zsh simply included on a "you're
lucky if it works, you're on your own if it doesn't" basis? Feedback from
Zsh users appreciated.

  I presume you have silly scripting errors due to your bad syntax.  If
not then give us a precise idea about what you are talking about.

Ouch!  That's harsh.

Could you please *not* accuse people of things before getting all the

  I as well am using:
         zsh 4.3.9 (i686-pc-cygwin)

  which I compiled manually with gcc (GCC) 4.3.4 20090531 (prerelease)

And why, exactly, did you have to build your own version?  Is there
something wrong with the version available in the Cygwin repository?  And
if there is, why haven't you reported it until now?

No, seriously, what's wrong with it?  If there's some option that should
be enabled by default, I'd like to hear about it.

p.s. Regarding you're threat about spamming, it is my opinion that one
should not suggest that one is or would be such an a.h...........
I will presume you meant it rhetorically.

Again, Ouch!

First you accuse him of poor scripting skills then you call him an
"a.h.", and, I fear, you are misinterpreting his intent to "spam the
list".   Tsk. Tsk.

Peter A. Castro <doc...@fruitbat.org> or <peter.cas...@oracle.com>
        "Cats are just autistic Dogs" -- Dr. Tony Attwood

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