Mike Rosing wrote:

> It'd be cool to have electronic paper bills - flexable/cloth electronics
> where the value of the bill is variable.  At each transaction, the bill
> reduces the amount it has (plain old smart card stuff) but it'd have
> the look and feel of paper money.  

I'd rather have stiff cards than floppy paper ones. At least you can put
them into  the slot of a machine easily.

> the transaction machines that work
> with the bills would all need to be online, but you could easily trade
> bills for anonymous barter.  It might even be easy to have a reader that
> just tells how much is left in the bill.  The point here isn't technology,
> it's psycology.  The bill "looks" like money, so people will trust that
> it is :-)

But paper money is such a 20th-century thing! These days we're slowly
drifting back to higher value metal coins (2 pounds out for a few years
now, 5 pounds coming soon I think). Much more fun. Feels like real
treasure!  Less of the floppy stuff, we want our ecash to look like real


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