On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 02:22:04PM -0400, Trei, Peter wrote:

| > If a stack of bills containing these transponders are supposed to be 
| > read from afar, way beyond what a "valid bill detector" is likely to be 
| > engineered to do, I'd like to see the physics worked out.
| > 
| Detection range turns out to be function of antenna size - the reader's
| antenna, not the one on the transponder. So if you have a big (eg, 
| doorframe size) antenna, you can do a lot better than the 'valid bill
| detector' on the countertop. There's actually a privacy win here for
| the passive tags - the returned signal strength falls with the fourth
| power of the distance.

Interesting.  What does that work out to for, say, a 2 meter antenna?
(I'm not sure if this actually works out to a security win.  It may be 
that I can use this fast fall-off to ensure that I'm picking the right 


"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."

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