On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Trei, Peter wrote:

> The defining difference between the two is that if you know the
> algorithm and seed, the output of a PRNG can be reproduced,
> at a different time, place. or both. There are circumstances in 
> which this is very much a desired quality.

Actually you left something out, the PRNG by definition must have a
modulus of repetition. At some point it starts the sequence over.

In general, this is -never- a desired quality and is the primary
distinction between the cost-utility of PRNG's versus RNG's.

And on another statement by somebody about hardware v software RNG's:

If you can't develop a RNG in software (ie you'd be in a state of sin),
what makes you think you can do it using -only- digital gates in hardware?
You can't.


         The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
         only as valid as its first principles.
                                James Patrick Kelly - "Wildlife"
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