On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>     --
> On 22 Apr 2002 at 17:38, Jim Choate wrote:
> > If you can't develop a RNG in software (ie you'd be in a state
> > of sin), what makes you think you can do it using -only- digital
> > gates in hardware? You can't.
> Classic Choatian physics.
> Of course you can.

Not if you use -only- digital gates and derived functions (eg flip flop
or a shift register). If you want a -real- RNG in hardware it -must- have
an analog stage, that analog stage must be non-linear (ie sensitive to
small changes in input), and it must use feedback.

If you can do it in hardware gates then you -can- do it in software gates.

And -real- RNG's can't be done in software. Very complicated and long
modulo PRNG's can but RNG's can't.


         The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
         only as valid as its first principles.
                                James Patrick Kelly - "Wildlife"
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