Adam Back <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>So if you mean the approach in 1311 you referenced below:
>|    Key wrapping:
>|       1. Encrypt the padded key using the KEK.
>|       2. Without resetting the IV (that is, using the last ciphertext
>|          block as the IV), encrypt the encrypted padded key a second
>|          time.
>|    The resulting double-encrypted data is the EncryptedKey.
>| 2.3.2 Key Unwrap
>|    Key unwrapping:
>|       1. Using the n-1'th ciphertext block as the IV, decrypt the n'th
>|          ciphertext block.
>|       2. Using the decrypted n'th ciphertext block as the IV, decrypt
>|          the 1st ... n-1'th ciphertext blocks.  This strips the outer
>|          layer of encryption.
>|       3. Decrypt the inner layer of encryption using the KEK.
>are you sure it's not vulnerable to splicing attacks (swapping ciphertext 
>blocks around to get a partial plaintext change which recovers after a block or 
>two)?  CBC mode has this property, and this mode seems more like CBC in CBC 
>than a CBC-MACed CBC-encrypted message -- there can't be a MAC property as such 
>because there is no where to store one, so the best you could hope for is earch 
>byte of plaintext depends on each byte of ciphertext, and this is the property 
>I'm questioning based on the usual CBC splicing attacks.

It is a CBC MAC.  A CBC MAC encrypts n blocks and then takes the final output as 
the MAC.  Now look at where the IV for the second pass comes from.  It's a nice 
trick, because it works without any data expansion.

>What is Colin's design and where is it described?

Originally in a sci.crypt post of about 10 years ago, more recently (which isn't 
saying much, it was years ago) in the docs for SFS,  Note that this is the 
speed-customised version, the version which uses two passes of encryption is in 
RFC 3211.


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