These techniques remind me of Lion and Bear
( Lion is pretty
fast, too, with the right parameters (of a stream cipher + hash function).
It would be easy to modify either to take a block count so you wouldn't
need to store the extra IV. Just another thing to think about, I guess. -J

On Sun, 28 Apr 2002, Adam Back wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 28, 2002 at 06:22:22PM +1200, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> > Anonymous writes:
> > >Encryption
> > >
> > >P[n] ^= Hash(P[1..n-1], blocknum, diskID)
> > >Encrypt block using P[n] as IV
> > >
> > >Decryption
> > >
> > >Decrypt C[2..n] using C[1] as IV
> > >Decrypt C[1] using P[n] as IV
> > >P[n] ^= Hash(P[0..n-1], blocknum, diskID)
> I saw something similar also discussed which was:
> Encrypt:
>       iv1 = hash(blocknum, diskID, P[2..n])
>       iv2 = C[1] = Encrypt(iv1,P[1])
>       C[2..n] = Encrypt(iv2,P[2..n])
> Decrypt:
>       iv2 = C[1]; P[2..n] = Decrypt(iv2, C[2..n])
>       iv1 = hash(blocknum, diskID, P[2..n])
>       P[1] = Decrypt(iv1,C[1])
> which seems essentiall the same.
> > Actually it's more general that that, the reason the original
> > implementation used such a simple first pass was because it had to
> > run on things like 385/25's which weren't too fast doing two passes
> > of encryption.  For anything more recent, you'd do two passes of
> > encryption, the first to build the IV and the second to encrypt with
> > it.  This in effect means that the first pass is a MAC of the data
> > (alongside encrypting it) and the second pass is pure encryption.
> So if you mean the approach in 1311 you referenced below:
> |    Key wrapping:
> |
> |       1. Encrypt the padded key using the KEK.
> |
> |       2. Without resetting the IV (that is, using the last ciphertext
> |          block as the IV), encrypt the encrypted padded key a second
> |          time.
> |
> |    The resulting double-encrypted data is the EncryptedKey.
> |
> | 2.3.2 Key Unwrap
> |
> |    Key unwrapping:
> |
> |       1. Using the n-1'th ciphertext block as the IV, decrypt the n'th
> |          ciphertext block.
> |
> |       2. Using the decrypted n'th ciphertext block as the IV, decrypt
> |          the 1st ... n-1'th ciphertext blocks.  This strips the outer
> |          layer of encryption.
> |
> |       3. Decrypt the inner layer of encryption using the KEK.
> are you sure it's not vulnerable to splicing attacks (swapping
> ciphertext blocks around to get a partial plaintext change which
> recovers after a block or two)?  CBC mode has this property, and this
> mode seems more like CBC in CBC than a CBC-MACed CBC-encrypted message
> -- there can't be a MAC property as such because there is no where to
> store one, so the best you could hope for is earch byte of plaintext
> depends on each byte of ciphertext, and this is the property I'm
> questioning based on the usual CBC splicing attacks.
> > (I'm kinda surprised that this issue keeps coming up again and
> >  again, Colin's design is a general-purpose solution which works
> >  with any block cipher.  It's a solved problem, and has been so for
> >  about a decade).
> What is Colin's design and where is it described?
> Adam

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