On 6 May 2002 at 7:08, Sunder wrote:

> Except for one thing - some of us run our own mail servers and pay for the
> bandwith.  Sure, I can delete at the server all I want, but, the mail has
> to first go through SMTP before it can be chucked.  It's still a waste of
> bandwith and processing.
> Look at it this way also.  If everyone (call it E for most of the
> subscribers) that subscribes to a CDR has to delete the same piece of
> email, then you have E*sizeof(spam) worth of wasted bandwith spread
> amongst E receivers, and the CDR node has to spend all it's time sending
> the shit.
> Would be nice if the MTA did spam (and Choate) recognition on the fly.  
> If anyone has such an MTA, that would be great.

No it would not.  It would be a disaster. 

As it is now,  Choate generally leaves his name in his posts,
so they're easy to filter out at the client end.  Presumably,
Choate is under the impression some people like his stuff, and 
those people can read it if they actually exist.

If Choate's stuff were actually filtered from the list,
there's no doubt whatsoever that he'd take measures to defeat the
filtering.  Easy to do.

The effect, the ONLY effect of any scheme to filter Choate's
stuff from the list (other than actual active moderation by
a live human being) would be to defeat the filters on people's
client machines.


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