> > More to the point, you don't *live* unless you're selling
> What the hell does *live* mean? There are quite a few folks on this
> who 'sell' nothing. They grow their own food, they build their own


> No stores, no electricity, no telephones, no air
> conditioning. No medical (it was a three hour drive by Jeep to get
her to
> a airstrip where they could get her to a hotel - all paid with US
> dollars - not one African whatever they use).

All of which reminds me of the punchline to that old joke about the
man whose doctor told him to stop smoking, drinking, and eating fast
food if he wanted to live longer.

"Doctor, you call THAT living?"

The point being that subsistance survival is not *living* in the sense
used here.

-- Daniel J. Boone (who has tried it, at length)

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