At 05:06 PM 6/3/2002 -0400, Trei, Peter wrote:
>Tim, I think you're missing the point here. Valenti and his ilk would like
nothing more than to force you to to rebuy your visual media *again*, but
they don't have to. I'll bet dollars to donuts that you've rebought some of
your VCR tapes as DVDs. Whey wouldn't the MPAA think they can
make you do it over?

Tim may be willing or able to repurchase his movie collection but many are not.  I've 
"backed" up all of the movies I have on VHS onto CDs (2-3 per movie average) from DVD 
in a high quality format called SVCD.  As soon as my budget allows I'll be a DVD 
burn'in fool.

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