> I only bought one (1) VHS tape, ever (*). That was "Pulp Fiction." So 
> far, I don't have it on DVD.

DVDs are probably the first product ever rolled out exclusively for content
control purposes.

Quality-wise, it's somewhat better than VHS and almost the same as Hi-8 (which
I use for archiving purposes), and definitely inferior to analog laserdisc,
which had a thriving market but is now almost extinct (a nice side-effect being
that titles are now available for $5-10 and there are some which will never
make it to DVD).

Hype and brandheads that salivate on words like "dolby" "surroundumb sound"
aside, average consumer got only new expense with DVDs - buying a player.

Like CDs, audio cassetes and IP protocol, VHS will stay forever with us.

(of original message)

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