Pierce made a lot of sense, if one ignored the politically incorrect
hyperbole in his writings.  It is ironic that Pierce died on the day
Zionist War Criminal Ariel Sharon described destroying an apartment
building full of civilians with a missile as "...in my view one of our
biggest successes."


CHARLESTON, W.Va. (July 23, 2002 6:52 p.m. EDT) - White supremacist leader
William Pierce, whose book "The Turner Diaries" is believed to have
inspired Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, died Tuesday of cancer. He
was 68.

Pierce died at his compound in Mill Point, said his business manager, Bob
DeMarias. He became ill about three weeks ago and his kidneys failed,
DeMarias said.

The novel, which some have called a grisly blueprint for a bloody race
war, includes a chapter titled "Day of the Rope." It describes white
corpses hung from every street corner with placards reading, "I defiled my

FBI investigators said McVeigh was a fan of Pierce's book and used it as a
blueprint for bombing the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995. The book
includes a truck-bombing of FBI headquarters. The Oklahoma City bombing
wasn't the first violence that federal prosecutors linked to "The Turner
Diaries," which was published in 1978.

In 1985, 10 members of a supremacist group called The Order were convicted
of racketeering and other charges in Seattle. Among the crimes they were
accused of were armored-car robberies and the 1984 machine-gun slaying of
Jewish radio talk show host Alan Berg.

One witness testified that a defendant told him, "You should read it,
partner, it's all there. Everything that's going to happen is in 'The
Turner Diaries."'

Pierce led his group, the National Alliance, from a two-story steel
building on 400 acres deep in the Appalachians four hours southwest of

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups, estimated the
group makes more than $1 million a year, mainly through sales of white
power music and supremacist or neo-Nazi literature.

[The Southern Poverty Law Center was revealed in "Harpers" to be little
more than a group of money-grubbing Bible thumpers using racial animus as
a theme to solicit donations.

Harper's Magazine
November, 2000
The Church of Morris Dees
How the Southern Poverty Law Center profits from intolerance
by Ken Silverstein



"This is the major hate group in the United States. It's the most
organized, the best run and the wealthiest," said Mark Potok, editor of
the center's intelligence report on hate groups.

Recently, Pierce began using the Internet to promote his recording label,
Resistance Records - "The soundtrack for white revolution." In an
interview last July, Pierce, a former physics professor, said he hoped his
"long-term goal is to be the biggest distributor and producer of
resistance music in the world. We may be there now."

The Anti-Defamation League estimated last year that Resistance Records
received about 50 orders a day, with each order averaging $70. The league
won't say how it comes by its information, but Pierce had said the figures
were "not too far off." That would make gross revenues about $1.27 million
a year.

Potok said the National Alliance has experts in computers, Web site
design, video game technology, short-wave broadcasting and video
DeMarias said the group would continue to operate "as it did before."
Pierce's death is a significant development because the group has no clear
heir, Potok said.

"It seems quite likely that the group will be led essentially by committee
in the coming months. The problem for this group is that it is a group
that is built around a single man, William Pierce."

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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