Eric Cordian wrote:
> Pierce made a lot of sense, if one ignored the politically incorrect
> hyperbole in his writings.  It is ironic that Pierce died on the day
> Zionist War Criminal Ariel Sharon described destroying an apartment
> building full of civilians with a missile as " my view one of our
> biggest successes."
> -----
> CHARLESTON, W.Va. (July 23, 2002 6:52 p.m. EDT) - White supremacist leader
> William Pierce, whose book "The Turner Diaries" is believed to have
> inspired Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, died Tuesday of cancer. He
> was 68.

"Inspired" as to method perhaps. We don't get much news of him over
here, but IIRC McVeigh was not a white supremacist? And certainly didn't
talk with the kind of thuggish brutal irrational racism that Pierce ands
his fellows did. Of course, unlike them , he actually killed large
numbers of innocent people.

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