
Bush security plan calls for background checks

JULY 22, 2002

WASHINGTON -- Once a cabinet-level
Department of Homeland Security is established,
the Bush administration plans to convene a panel
of government and private-sector experts to
determine the legal guidelines for subjecting tens
of thousands of private-sector employees to
background investigations. 


That means tens of thousands of private-sector
employees working in industries such as
banking, chemicals, energy, transportation, 
telecommunications, shipping and public health 
would be subject to background checks as a 
condition of employment. 

Tom Ridge, the current director of the Office of 
Homeland Security and the leading contender
to become Bush's nominee for the cabinet post, 
said on July 21 that the nation remains at risk 
from an unknown number of terrorist cells operating 
within the U.S. And according to the national strategy, 
that situation could be further complicated by malicious 
insiders with authorized access to critical facilities. 

"Personnel with privileged access to critical 
infrastructure, particularly [IT-based] control systems, 
may serve as terrorist surrogates by providing information 
on vulnerabilities, operating characteristics and protective
measures," the Bush strategy states. 



Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets

Peter Trei

"If the people have betrayed the government,
perhaps the government should abolish the 
people and elect a new one.- Bertolt Brecht"

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