Anyone interested in a pgp/gpg key-signing get-together @ DC,
please email me your key info (name, key ID, type, size,
fingerprint), and I will add you to the list.

If you don't have a PGP key, now is a great time to make one.

Want to find out more about PGP?

You can get the software from:

PGPfreeware <>
GnuPG (GPG) <>

Bring the following:

   *  Photo ID (your name must be in your key identity)
   *  A printed copy of your key ID, key type, fingerprint, and key size

I will pass out a master list (from what people send me now). Then
individually we will cross-validate eachothers identities and keys.

It works like this: person A tells B the details of their key (from
their personal copy of the key info). Person B confirms that the key
information on the master list matches. Next person A produces photo ID
for person B. If it proves that person A is the owner of the key, then
person B can check off that person on their list.

The reverse is then done for person B.

After a while you will end up with a list full of (hopefully) checked
names. Later on, you can retrieve a copy of the key either from a
keyserver or directly from the owner, verify it's valid (it matches the
checked off name on your copy of the master list), and sign it using
your private key.

Then you can upload your signature of the key to a key server and send a
copy back to the key's owner to add to thier keyring.

ID:    Mark Renouf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Size:  2048
Type:  DH/DSS
KeyID: 0xF888F464
Fingerprint: 9CE7 98DD E14E 8B9C 7109  2798 C18D 83A9 F888 F464

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