On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, Steve Furlong wrote:

> No, that won't do it. People could still spread their dissentious ideas
> by telephone, and photocopy the intellectual property of content
> providers. We need to ban electricity, then the problem goes away...

        But then wouldn't all those lecherous pirates just copy works by
hand or, *gasp*, transcribe them with typewriters?  And musicians(and
labels) can be deprived of their well-deserved income with nothing more
than a musical instrument!

        I mean, yeah, sure, banning unlicensed pencils, pens, paper,
typewriters, or musical instruments good first step, but the copyright
problem will not be solved until we can close the optical hole.  We must
not allow unlicensed, non-copy-protecting optical sensors(like "eyes") if
we're to maintain the solvency of the Content Economy.  And if the content
economy becomes unsolvent, the economic devastation would be unparalleled!
The damage to the american economy at large would be horrific.  Clearly,
only a terrorist would want to possess unlicensed eyes.


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