What email encryption is actually in use?

When I get a PGP encrypted message, I usually cannot read it -- 
it is sent to my dud key or something somehow goes wrong. When 
I send a PGP encrypted message in reply, stating the problem, I 
seldom receive an answer, suggesting that the recipient cannot 
decrypt my message either.   Kong encrypted messages usually   
work, because there is only one version of the program, and key 
management is damn near non existent by design, since my    
experience as key manager for various companies shows that in  
practice keys just do not get managed. After I release the next 
upgrade, doubtless fewer messages will work.

The most widely deployed encryption is of course that which is 
in outlook -- which we now know to be broken, since    
impersonation is trivial, making it fortunate that seemingly no 
one uses it.

Repeating the question, so that it does not get lost in the    
rant.  To the extent that real people are using digitally    
signed and or encrypted messages for real purposes, what is the 
dominant technology, or is use so sporadic that no network    
effect is functioning, so nothing can be said to be dominant?

The chief barrier to use of outlook's email encryption, aside  
from the fact that is broken, is the intolerable cost and    
inconvenience of certificate management.  We have tools to    
construct any certificates we damn well please, though the root 
signatures will not be recognized unless the user chooses to   
put them in.   Is it practical for a particular group, for    
example a corporation or a conspiracy, to whip up its own    
damned root certificate, without buggering around with    
verisign?   (Of course fixing Microsoft's design errors is    
never useful, since they will rebreak their products in new    
ways that are more ingenious and harder to fix.)

I intended to sign this using Network Associates command line  
pgp, only to discover that pgp -sa file produced unintellible  
gibberish, that could only be made sense of by pgp, so that no 
one would be able to read it without first checking my    

I suggest that network associates should have hired me as UI   
design manager, or failing, that, hired the dog from down the  
street as UI design manager.

Presumably the theory underlying this brilliant design decision 
was that in the bad old days, a file produced under unix woudl 
not verify under windows because of trivial differences such as 
the fact the whitespace is expressed slightly differently.

Here is a better fix, one that I implemented in Kong:   Define 
several signature types with the default signature type    
ignoring those aspects of the message that are difficult for   
the user to notice, so that if a message looks pretty much the 
same to the user, it has the same signature, by, for example, 
canonicalizing whitespace and single line breaks, and treating 
the hard space (0xA0) the same as the soft space. (0x20), and
so on and so forth. 

         James A. Donald

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