At 12:41 PM 11/02/2002 -0500, Steve Furlong wrote:
The only business environment I've ever worked in which successfully
used encrypted email mandated specific versions of mail client
(Outlook, ecch) and PGP (integrated into Outlook), had a jackbooted
thug to make sure everyone's keyring was up to date, and had a fairly
small (couple dozen), mostly technically proficient, user base. And
even there, half the time the encrypted message wasn't sensitive enough
to be worth encrypting nor important enough to be worth decrypting.
All of the business email I send from home is encrypted -
not by the mail user agent or mail transfer agent,
but by the VPN I use to reach my work intranet.
If it goes outside the company, it's normally not encrypted.

(Also, non-business email I send when VPN-connected is encrypted,
on the dialup portions, but not past that.)

What would be really nice, and would encrypt a large chunk of
the US's business email, would be for MS Exchange / Outlook mail servers
to adopt STARTTLS for their SMTP services.

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