On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 07:45:47PM -0700, James A. Donald wrote:
>     --
> On 2 Oct 2002 at 16:19, Adam Shostack wrote:
> > Whats wrong with PGP sigs is that going on 9 full years after
> > I generated my first pgp key, my mom still can't use the
> > stuff.
> The fact that your mum cannot use the stuff is only half the
> problem.  I am a computer expert, a key administrator, someone
> who has been paid to write cryptographic code, and half the
> time I cannot use pgp.

Have you looked at GnuPG?   http://www.gnupg.org/

There are some graphical front-ends which I have not tried, but
the console version seems straightforward to me.

Blessed be,
guru, n:  A computer owner who can read the manual.

[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]

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