Holy Shit!

Does that mean that some 18-year-old script kiddie could get LIFE?

If this wasn't such an immense pile of stupidity, I'd get angry over the obvious invasions of privacy, etc...

Having worked in many a company, I KNOW how most management systems work. Let's say there's something as simple as a DoS attack that could take down Company A. Programmer Joe Shmo recognizes this and tells his boss, who wants to cover his own ass and tells HIS boss about the problem. This boss will then think about the issue for 3 seconds, and reply "well, hackers get life in prison now so no one will ever try it". Meanwhile, guys who don't care about getting life (Osama's posse, who probably won't even live in the US for this) will say: "Shit these guys are stupid! We just found a way to take down the whole US economy with 20 lines of code!"

Send script kiddies away for life? How about sending the CTOs of publically traded companies away for life if something as simple as a DoS attack robs little old ladies of their retirement $?

From: Jim Choate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: News: House votes life sentences for hackers (fwd)
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 07:31:38 -0600 (CST)



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