At 02:19 PM 11/20/02 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
>From what I can grok this is not what I was looking for, but it IS a
>valuable tool.

What's missing?  What part of your threat model didn't they consider?

>What I'm talking about, I think, would be better in certain scenarios,
as a
>rubber-hose-holder can be made to THINK they have the real data,
whereas in
>reality they have a clever fake. (eg, instead of the real Cypherpunks
>list, they have Tim May's fake one...of course, another possibility
would be
>to have a big jpg of a hand with middle finger extended...) More than
>they will have unknowingly destroyed the real data. (Perhaps a 3rd key
>needed that DOESN'T destroy the original data, just 'hides' it a la

Stego your activist photos into kiddie porn which is stegoed into random
plaintext cover images.
When they discover your thoughtcrime, they stop looking.

Gotta hide the tools, too, BTW, since you can assume They know how they
are used.
I don't know if the CIA advised the chinese underground on this re Pink
Triangle or whatever.
Else mere possession of the thing (like owning a one-hole glass flute
with a faucet screen occluding the hole)
makes you doubleplus unperson.

Got Aerosil?

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