On Sat, 30 Nov 2002, Tim May wrote:

> On Saturday, November 30, 2002, at 05:23  PM, Tyler Durden wrote:
> > As far as I'm concerned, most strife boils down to the perceived
> > economic interests of the concerned parties, and apparently
> > ehtnic/religious/whatever differences are just a mask for these
> > simpler problems. As a big for instance, racism during the slavery
> > days was really a way to allow for economic explouitation of "human
> > resources"...slavetraders of course searched for Biblical and
> > Darwinian justification of their actions, and codified them into their
> > "religion".
> The slave trade was centered around some negroes capturing and selling
> some other negroes.

Simplistic oversimplification as usual. Why were the negroes selling other

So they wouldn't become slaves themselves.

Further, don't confuse the mechanism of slave trade with the -reason- for
slave trade, cheap labor.


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