On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, Tim May wrote:

> I just noticed a disclaimer in a t.v. ad for H-P computers.
> "Intended only for lawful uses." at the bottom of the screen towards
> the end of the commercial.
> Strange. Why would H-P or any other computer company feel the need to
> include this warning/disclaimer? Worries about legal actions against
> the company should one or more of its millions of customers download or
> generate illegal words or images? Worries about General Jack D. Valenti
> coming after Carly for making DVD burning a possibility on H-P
> computers?

Not so strange.  Computers can be used to hack into databases
to steal credit cards.  Or to compute trajectories of missiles.
Since lawyers are on a rampage to sue gun companies when some
idiot goes "postal", what's to stop them from suing computer
companies when someone breaks into a bank?  It's just a cya
move set by precedent from other things, I bet it has nothing
to do with what OS is running.  Besides, if you run linux it
won't have any problems bypassing DVD security codes :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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